FQ Northern Statement

Football Queensland has zero tolerance for any forms of racism or discrimination within our game. 

We are committed to eliminating poor behaviour and will continue to take a strong stance against this behaviour in our game. FQ recently relaunched the Protect Our Game initiative which includes an updated Three Strike Policy and new reporting mechanism. 

An investigation by Football Queensland into allegations of racial vilification against a player in the FQPL Northern Men competition was recently concluded, and following this investigation the following sanctions have been imposed: 

a) In accordance with Table A Offence by Players – R6-04-01 Use of discriminatory, homophobic, racist, religious, ethnic or sexist language and/or gestures – First Offence Mandatory Match Suspension (MMS) + 6 Fixtures 

b) The player is also banned from attending any Football Club, Venue or Facility in Queensland for the length of the sanction outlined in item (a) and until certificates of completion of the courses in item (c) are provided to the Football Queensland Integrity Unit 

c) The player is to complete 2 online courses: 

  1. Harassment and Discrimination Harassment & Discrimination Course – Play by the Rules – Making Sport inclusive, safe and fair 
  2. Anti-Racism Australian Human Rights Commission Anti-racism eLearning course | Racism. It Stops With Me 

 Dealing with unacceptable behaviour within our community is a shared responsibility and we ask you as members of our football community to help stamp this out of our game by reporting any instances of abuse, racism or poor behaviour using the QR code reporting mechanism featured on Protect Our Game signage displayed across FQ clubs and venues. 

More information on FQ’s Protect Our Game initiative can be found here. 

The post FQ Northern Statement appeared first on Football Queensland.

from Football Queensland https://ift.tt/zMLkiEc

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